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Top 10 Mindset Books

Have you ever read something that changed how you viewed something?

It had the power to change the course of your life.

It's like being shown a secret of how to approach different aspects of your life.

That's what this list of books has been for me.

Years ago, when I first set out on a personal development journey, I didn't know where I would end up.

But I knew I was made for more.

Have you ever had that feeling?

That you were made for more?

Capable of more?

That was me.

So I picked up my first book, called Chop Wood Carry Water by Joshua Medcalf.

What I read opened my mind to what was possible.

It set me on a course toward becoming more of who God designed me to be and destined me to be.

Now, I am not finished yet.

I have not mastered everything yet.

Just ask my family!

But I am making strides toward becoming more and more the man I was meant to be and capable of becoming.

Are you?

I challenge you today, to take a step toward realizing your potential.

It is in you, but it is up to you to draw it out.

You can do that by letting these books draw it out of you.

But then you have to put it into action.

All right. Here's the list!

Chris’s Top 10 Favorite Books on Mindset

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