I was writing this morning, as I'm going through my book's manuscript pulling out quotes to highlight throughout the book.
I was working on the chapter on Faith today.
In the book, I walk through seven different areas of life. I first learned of them as the 7 F's of life: Fitness, Finances, Family, Field, Faith, Friends and Fun.
I chose these names for them: Health, Money, Family, Work, Faith, Relationships and Joy.
Here's the thing I have learned about these seven areas of life: they're all connected.
If I'm struggling with my Health (this hits close to home right now!), then it has an effect on my Work.
If I'm struggling with my Money, then it has an effect on my Family.
If I'm struggling with my Family, then it has an effect on my Joy.
If I'm struggling with my Faith, then it has an effect on my Relationships.
How I'm doing in one area of life has a direct effect on other areas of life.
Yet it's not just in a negative effect either. The opposite it also true.
When I'm doing well with my Health, it has an effect on my Work.
When I'm doing well with my Money, it has an effect on my Family.
When I'm doing well with my Family, then it has an effect on my Joy.
When I'm doing well with my Faith, then it has an effect on my Relationships.
All of life is connected. Each area of life is not isolated to itself. Each area has an effect on other areas of life.
You have probably seen that to be true in your own life, haven't you?
Your health impacts your work life, whether you have enough energy and mental clarity and emotional fortitude to handle what's required of you.
Your money situation can affect your family life, whether it leaves you stressed out, unable to pay the bills or more stress-free as you follow a plan. It can strain your family life or enhance your family life.
Your family life also has a direct effect on how much joy you experience in life, whether you are tapping into each moment fully.
Your faith impacts how much purpose you will exert into your relationships with others, affecting whether you are selfish or selfless.
You have experienced the truth that each area of life is connected.
But what does this mean for us?
Just because we aren't experiencing the best in a particular area of life does not mean it has to stay that way.
We can make a change!
That means if we need to raise up one area of life, then we can make a shift in another area to help out.
It takes intention.
Each season of life brings new challenges, which means we must adjust to get it right in that season.
Don't be afraid to make some changes to your daily habits, your annual rhythms, or your moment-to-moment mindsets.
We are not stagnant creatures who can stay the same our entire lives.
Life has an ebb and a flow to it, which means we must be flexible and adjust as needed.
This is your permission slip to make the change you know you need to, especially if you need to raise one area of life in this season.
So go for it! You've got this!