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Writer's pictureChris Massie

Chasing Perfection

I feel as if I have been chasing perfection for years.

I have felt that in my career with how I carried out my roles; that led to burnout.

I have felt that with a business I started with my brother; that led to closing up shop.

I have felt that with my dream of writing a book.

This time, however, instead of letting it ruin me and the pursuit, I let it better me.

Let me explain.

The process of writing a book has taught me three specific things: patience, problem-solving and possibilities.


Writing a book taught me patience in a variety of ways.

When I wrote my thoughts down, I did not communicate it clearly or succinctly the first time.

I had to rewrite sections at least once, if not more than once, to communicate my message clearly.

It took time.

It took revision.

It took patience.

As I was formatting the book, I learned patience again.

Things didn't look correct the first time I designed it on the page.

Then when I uploaded the book this week, it didn't format correctly again.

I'm editing the manuscript again now.

But I'm learning patience.

(Here's a snapshot of the upload page and the first draft of the cover. I'm not crazy about it yet!)


Writing a book taught me problem-solving in a new dimension.

We have had a saying in our house for years now, You can do hard things.

I say it to the kids all the time when they face a challenge or talk about how difficult something is; and I needed to learn to say it to myself.

I even wrote about the concept of asking the question, Is it hard or is it new?

Because some things are simply hard; they require grit and hard work.

Other things are simply new; they require a different mental energy to learn as a student.

That's the mental switch I had to make as I was methodically writing my book.

How do I format the page numbers?

How do I want the chapters to look?

How do I pull out quote boxes for one-liners I want to highlight?

Where do I put the boxes in the midst of the chapter?

All problem-solving in a new dimension because I was learning something new.


Writing a book taught me possibilities.

This has been a dream of mine for just over 5 years, to write my own book.

I didn't know what it would be about back then, but I knew I could do it.

Just last night, I showed my wife and kids the uploaded manuscript and the first draft of a book cover.

My dream is becoming a reality!

It's becoming possible!

If I can do this, what else can I do?

What other dreams can I take action toward and transform into reality as well?

I have learned that the world is full of possibilities.

What else can I write to help others?

What other books can I create?

What courses could be made from this text?

The world is full of possibilities.

Chasing Perfection

I am no longer chasing perfection (at least this week!)

Perfection is hard to achieve anyway.

In the past, it actually felt daunting and left me lifeless and actionless.

I didn't make progress toward my dreams because of those feelings.

Yet now, I'm making progress.

I am being patient as I progress toward my dream and goal.

I am problem-solving as I take another new step.

I am full of possibilities as I create something new.

That's what writing a book has taught me.

My book, The Clarity Question, will be released near the end of the year.

If you'd like to know when it's available, simply fill out this form here.

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