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Being Like Dad

I have one of those dads who is old school creative.

(I use those terms with all respect and honor, as well.)

He grew up in the time when you had to be resourceful and creative.

You had to figure out how to solve the problems on the farm or with the equipment you were using.

He has years of experience doing just that.

He's so resourceful and creative that he can make the tool he needs to fix some other thing!

Now, he and I are different in many respects.

He loves fixing machines with his hands and making things around the house all the time.

I mean, he can fix anything from a vehicle to plumbing to electrical panels in the house.

He's amazing!

I, on the other hand, do not enjoy working on a vehicle or all of the things he does.

I'm just wired differently, and I've embraced that.

Yet I realized something this week when a package arrived in the mail.

I have learned to make my own tools to help me solve problems.

A few months ago I published my first book.

I didn't write it with a specific audience in mind; I wrote it for myself.

The Clarity Question centers around the idea of asking one main question in multiple areas of life to help you gain clarity for how to live well and be successful in each area of life.

I wrote it for myself because I need that clarity often.

The feedback I'm receiving is that others needed that clarity in their life as well!

When the package arrived in the mail, it was another tool I created to help myself.

It was a planner.

Okay okay! Maybe you don't find planners exciting, but I do.

I've been using a planner for years now.

I remember picking one up that I really liked, and I had the thought, "Man, I could make this."

But that was years ago, before I knew how to publish and make my own books.

Yet now I do!

So I sat down a few Saturdays ago, and I designed my own planner.

I sprinkled in the questions from my book to help me gain clarity each day, each week, and each month.

I made it my own.

I've taken the elements I liked from other planners, and I used them to create a tool that helps me stay on top of my tasks.


How do you solve your problems?

Do you get creative and make something?

Do you figure it out?

Or do you back down and walk away?

I challenge you to step toward it with a creative energy, ready and curious about how you can solve it.

I think you've got it in you.


If you'd like a quarterly planner that helps you gain clarity each day, each week, and each month, then check our The Clarity Planner.

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